Bible School

Training you to fulfill God’s purpose
OUR MISSION is to equip you for the ministry!

It is our joy to introduce you to our Bible School!

We are convinced that with your very own background and experiences, you are somebody special and called by God to impact your generation. We also believe He called us to help you achieve that!

Is your greatest desire to discover your divine identity, God’s plan and call as part of it; a call as unique as your fingerprint among the billions before and after you?

Do you believe that God values you so much and do you too esteem Him so highly that you are ready to be properly equipped for the ministry to Him, to the body of Christ and to the world?

Are you filled with a conviction that there is so much more of Him which you want to discover and be part of?

Are you eager to explore new levels of growth by surrendering into a deeper love relationship with Him? 

Are you among those who are not holding on comforts and securities, human distinctions, measurements and standards; one that is ready to be exposed to new challenges and experiences in following the Master?

Has the pursue for the kingdom of God and His righteousness become the greatest priority in your life?

Is your prayer and anticipation that His kingdom come, His will be done, in your life, your surrounding and the nations of the earth?

Are you aiming for a Spirit filled life? Do you really understand the urgency of the times we live in and the need to spread the gospel now more than ever?

Can you feel God’s heart reaching out for the faithful ones for His harvest; are you ready to respond saying ‘Yes Lord to Your Will and to Your Ways’?

In that case, we consider it a privilege to welcome you in the school and contribute in what God wants to do in and through your life. Our single reward will be to see you standing one day before the Lord having Fulfilled God’s Purposes and hear Him saying to you, ‘Well done good and faithful servant’! 

On behalf of Koinonia, our partners from the JMWM, our school administration and the team of teachers from all over the world.  

Eugenia Daskalopoulou-Tarlizou